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For so many years, I’ve bounced from fad diets to “the latest” health regimens, and, frustratingly, never attained an assured feeling of sound health. I was attracted to Ali’s Health and Wellness class because it addressed salient issues of aging, disease prevention, and chronic pain/inflammation that ultimately result when a body is not in balance. Ali’s instruction of The Prime-Time Health program was wonderfully informational and enlightening. She presented new concepts, tailored a feasible, custom health plan, shared relevant, health-filled recipes along with grocery and product shopping tips, and introduced novel fitness exercises in support of this whole-body caretaking effort. Aging well is my goal, and I’m finally on the correct path to assure this mission.


In concert with this new regimen, Ali performed a Sound Therapy treatment that proved astoundingly life changing. Her keen sensitivity and broad knowledge base in introducing this unique health approach speaks volumes about her dedicated professionalism. She made me feel very comfortable, and thoughtfully answered my many questions. One of the aspects of the treatment is to become aware of our personal ancestral rivers. This experience brought to light unexamined issues (in particular, a parent’s death when I was a child), and allowed me for the first time(!) to have an acute understanding, true emotional clarity, and a sense of profound well-being to (finally) move forward in new and enriching ways. Thank you from my grateful heart, Ali.


Karen A.

Simply put, it was a beautiful experience. To sit with a loved one during their last hours can bring up many feelings and emotions including helplessness. Just two days before my dad passed away in July 2021, my mom and I scheduled a distance session with Ali over the phone. My dad was on hospice care after being transferred home from hospital. It was a very difficult time. The session with Ali brought much needed comfort and reassurance. My mom and I knew he would then be able to transition with peace, closure and love as we let him go. In addition, he was embraced by love and light from those waiting for him on the other side. It was an experience like no other. My dad seemed to be more peaceful after the session. He was able to move on and be relieved from suffering less than 48 hours later. It helped my mom and I know that we were able to help, our hearts know it was the best we could have done for him. Once again, it was a beautiful experience, one which I could only hope to experience myself one day as I cross over. Ali is gentle, loving and has a very special gift to help, heal and love unconditionally.


Kathryn B.

Before my first session with Ali, I was stuck in a whirlwind of self doubt, sadness, stress, anxiety, and constant worrying. Just trying to be there for everyone and make sure they were happy. To the point where I had immersed myself in others’ energies and problems. I was in a relationship that kind of made me lose sight of my true self and everything I loved. And a childhood filled with little traumas from many different life stages. During my sessions with Ali, I have broken through so many self barriers and have overcome many past traumatic wounds. Taking the time to learn more about myself and accepting aspects of my being that others (including myself) use to hold against me, has improved my self growth tremendously. I am not only strengthening the love for my own inner and outer being, but also for all aspects, walks and experiences of life. My level of self confidence and love has expanded so greatly, as well as my spiritual relationship with my god, angels and nature. I find myself excited to see what new things each day will bring and I am in complete awe with the unfolding patterns of this beautiful life. This has been one of the greatest journeys I’ve been on, falling in love with everything I am and everything more I can become. Finding my younger self stuck in the past traumas and reclaiming those parts of my soul has helped me the most. It’s shown me that I was so much stronger than I thought. And everything that little girl stood through has made me who I am today. I am so proud of her and truly grateful that she was able to stay strong enough to see me through. These sessions are such amazing experiences and the time is extremely valuable. I have enjoyed every single session and Ali does a wonderful job! I always leave feeling full of light and rejuvenation, and I can’t wait to go back again!  I have been sharing my experience with my friends and family! I will never stop recommending! 



I just really have to write and tell you how much my daughter and I have loved the tuning fork sessions with Ali . Right from the beginning of the session, she just makes it so comforting and grounding, especially if you’re brand new to tuning like my 12 year old daughter is. I went in because I was looking to release grief and fear that have been built up for over a decade from a past traumatic experience. Ali can help assist anyone in turning trauma into transformation and I was able to witness and feel that through my daughter’s session with her first hand. Thank you, Ali.


Lauren S.

I feel healed after 50+ years of searching for answers starting in my late 20’s.  I knew I had problems in my 20’s because I was depressed, feeling I had one foot in the grave. I wasn’t happy and not living my authentic self, and didn’t have a clue ‘Who was my authentic self?’ After I divorced in my 50’s I read self help books to attempt to seek answers. It would take almost 30 more years before I found Ali who helped me heal through her Biofield Tuning sessions.


Cookie S.

I think one of the most important things Ali provides is a safe space to face the trauma we all carry, and to face ourselves, really. One of the most helpful things I´ve found is her flexibility in the techniques she uses in-session and her consistent search for new methods to find new ways of facilitating healing in our therapy sessions. These have:


· Cleared away emotional baggage
· Faced my fears
· Faced my past and my future
· Cleaned up my emotional state of being
· To start beneficial practices for my own emotional and physical health.


Christine F.


Ali Bowen


Master Certified Health Coach
Biofield Practioner

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Paso Robles, California

Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Nutrition® is a registered trademark of the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute.

 For legal purposes, Ali Bowen (aka Ali Health and Wellness) must state that the contents of this site and the services, sessions, and/or modalities offered here are intended for educational purposes only.  These services, sessions and/or modalities are not a substitute for licensed medical and mental health treatment and/or counseling, or for business, legal, financial, and other professional services.  Ali Health and Wellness provides unlicensed healing arts services, including but not limited to, homeopathy.  These services, sessions, and/or modalities do not diagnose, treat, heal or cure any ailment or disease.  By participating , engaging, or purchasing any of Ali Health and Wellness services, sessions, and/or modalities you acknowledge that the guidance, modalities, and information you receive in your participation, engagement or purchase are subject to your own interpretation and you agree to take full responsibility for any decisions, actions, or reactions you make or undergo based on that experience. Ali Health and Wellness and any owner or anyone employed under this entity does not make guarantees of any kind regarding the content or outcome of these services, sessions, and/or modalities.  Other than the stated 24-hour Cancellation Policy, there are no refunds.  If you do not show up for your scheduled services, sessions, and/or modalities, there are no refunds.  Additionally, Ali Health and Wellness is not responsible for the content of the testimonials on this site.  Ali Health and Wellness neither agrees or disagrees with any of the testimonials that were written by actual clients.  The testimonials are strictly the experience and words of these respective clients.

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